Brazilian dogs – Raising a dog in Brazil

Brazilian dogs - Raising a dog in Brazil

Raising a dog in Brazil

Welcome to Portuguese Basic Tips number 18! Today our podcast is called Brazilian dogs – Raising a dog in Brazil.

On today’s Portuguese Basic Tips we’ll speak about Brazilian dogs – Raising a dog in Brazil. I decided to bring a lighter subject on today’s podcast because I started raising this beautiful animal (in the picture) recently. It is what we call “vira lata” here. You can understand that as a mix of dog breeds that results an undefined beautiful specimen. I will try to explain the term in a literal sense to you in this episode.

I was wondering that if there is a foreigner who likes dogs trying to raise a puppy here, he or she could find many difficulties indeed. We have specific expressions to use in place of vet, knotted bone, collar, dog day care and so on.

I have just discovered some of them, so I think people don’t normally teach these expressions in Portuguese courses. I prepared this podcast containing a few dialogues and I think you will be capable to learn many new words today.

At the end of this episode, I tried to add sort of a glossary using Brazilian Portuguese expressions about the subject.

I know there are some dog’s breeds in Brazil that people like very much, but I made a point of not talking about none of them specifically. I preferred to keep the podcast generic, so that people who like animals may enjoy what I say.

Click if you have not heard our previous Portuguese Basic Tips about contraction of Brazilian Portuguese prepositions.

In addition to our podcast, here is a link to a website containing a few Brazilian expressions about animals 

I hope you like this week’s episode.

Become a Premium Member to download this episode’s learning guide

See you next time,

Valeu e até a próxima!


Marcos Sales

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1 Response

  1. 8 de April de 2016

    […] No último episódio eu quis falar sobre um tópico mais leve. Se você gosta de animais e quer saber sobre termos específicos do Brasil, visite  nosso episódio raising a dog in Brazil […]

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