Carnival song: meaning of lero-lero, chuva de verão and quem cala consente

Carnival song: meaning of lero-lero, chuva de verão and quem cala consente
Carnival song: meaning of lero-lero, chuva de verão and quem cala consente
Hello there and welcome to our Portuguese Basic Tips 83, called carnival song: meaning of lero-lero, chuva de verão and quem cala consente
Well, I was listening to an old song, from the 90s, played by a band called Cheiro de Amor. They were a huge success at that time.
Click on the link to visit our previous episode called meaning of deu zebra, pulga atrás da orelha, sextar and so forth
What? You want me to sing it for you, don’t you? So let’s go:
“Não venha me dizer que o que aconteceu entre nós / Foi Chuva de verão / Já diz o ditado: quem cala consente/ Eu não vou desistir / Você nasceu pra mim”
And the chorus goes:
“E deixa o lero-lero / vem pra cá, meu bem / Aqui nessa folia só entra quem tem/ paixão, calor, sedução/ A cantar, sentir emoção”.
On today’s episode, we are going to speak about some expressions sung in this song.
Chuva de verão
I think you know that in most parts of Brazil the weather is very hot at any time of the year, right? In the summer, this is even hotter. However, it’s quite common when it rains quickly during the summer. The rain softens the feeling of heat we feel, although it ends quickly.
So, thinking like that, chuva de verão is a very good thing, but it is something temporary, it is something that doesn’t last long.
When the girl compares “what happened between them” with “chuva de verão”, she means that it can’t be that it was just a temporary thing.
- Nosso amor foi apenas chuva de verão! (Our love was something temporary. It didn’t last long”)
Quem cala consente
This is a famous popular saying in Brazil, just like it is spoken in the song: já diz o ditado, quem cala consente.
The meaning of this sentence is something like: silence gives consent. If you say nothing, you agree with everything.
Let’s see a real daily situation to use it as an example.
Imagine a couple who just had a fight, so the man asks:
- Amor, posso comer o chocolate que está na geladeira? Bom, você não responde, quem cala consente. (Honey, can I have the chocolate in the fridge? Well, you don’t answer me: silence gives consent!)
Lero-lero means too much conversation and little attitude, little action. The singer says: e deixa o lero-lero e vem pra cá, meu bem. It could be translated as: stop speaking a lot and come here, babe.
We have, in Brazilian Portuguese, a variation, another way of saying “lero-lero”, which is “papo-furado”. Papo furado is something like “a boring chat”. Lero-lero is “to speak too much”.
- Já cansei de ouvir seu papo furado por hoje! (I’m sick of listening your small talk today)
- Já cansei de lero-lero com você (I don’t want to talk so much and do nothing with you).
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Click on the link to listen to the song we’ve spoken about in this episode.
That’s enough for today.
I hope you like it.
Marcos Sales
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