Difference between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese

Difference between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese

The main differences between Brazilian and European Portuguese

Hi there and welcome to our 16th Todo Mundo Pod in which we’ll try to show the difference between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese.

I have prepared a comparative containing tables and examples to better show you the difference between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese.  Because of that, Todo Mundo Pod’s transcript will be free in this episode! I suggest you download the free learning guide at the very end of this page. You’ll find it better to understand all comparisons I made.

Although we speak the same language, there are different terms for each location and sometimes you may get confused with these peculiarities.  That’s why I prepared this podcast in order to explain to you the main distinction aspects in each country.

Here you will find a small explanation about syntax, phonetics, diminutives and Conjugation in Portuguese.

Here is also a common  thing when we build sentences using gerunds .This is also one of the factors that differentiate the language spoken in Brazil from the one spoken in Portugal. We’ll cover this matter in this podcast.

I will also talk a little about the Portuguese pronunciation in both cases.

Learning Portuguese with podcasts is something useful since it will allow you to pay attention to the pronunciation we use in our language here in Brazil. By the way , another beneficial factor of learning portuguese with podcasts is that you can listen to them wherever you want and whenever you want! I suggest you repeat this one as many times as you need.

Download this free transcript by clicking on the link below

If you have not heard, visit the episode in which we speak about the differences between Portuguese and Spanish.

I found this article (only in Portuguese) that also covers the matter about the differences between Brazilian and European Portuguese.

Learn how to use “por” and “para” in Brazilian Portuguese

That’s enough for today! I hope it will be usefull to you.

Valeu e até a próxima!

Marcos Sales

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1 Response

  1. 28 de March de 2016

    […] você não ouviu nosso último podcast sobre as diferenças entre o português do brasil e o da Europa, clique no link para dar uma […]

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