Exercising pronunciation in Portuguese – Portuguese tongue twisters

Way of exercising pronunciation in Portuguese
Hello there and welcome to our Portuguese Basic Tips 74 (in English) in wich we’ll keep exercising pronunciation in Portuguese
On today’s podcast, we are going to keep exercising our pronunciation in Portuguese by using Portuguese tongue twisters.
Visit our first episode about tongue twisters in Portuguese
Check out the second episode about Portuguese tongue twisters
Teto sujo, chão sujo
This is a small sentence, but it is difficult to pronounce if we try to do it quickly.
The sentence means “dirty ceiling, dirty floor”.
C’mon, repeat with me! You know that it is by repeating the sentences that we perfect our pronunciation!
- Teto sujo, chão sujo.
Fala arara loura, a arara loura falará / Speak blond macaw, the blond macaw will speak
I think that the letter “r” and sometimes “l” can bring difficulties to foreigners to pronounce in Portuguese. That’s why I found those examples.
Repeat it with me. I’ll start very slowly, and then we’ll increase our pace.
- Fala arara loura, a arara loura falará
In Brazil we say “loura” and “loira”, both mean “blond” and both are correct.
Traga tinta em trinta taças / Bring paint in thirty bowls
This one will be useful for us to exercise the letters “t” and “r”, again. This time I’ll ask you to repeat it over and over like this “traga tinta em trinta taças”, but let’s start it slowly again.
- Traga tinta em trinta taças
Well, that’s enough for today. I hope you like it.
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Visit another website containing more trava línguas
Visit this website containing tongue twisters from all over the world
See you next time.
Marcos Sales
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[…] Se você ainda não ouviu o nosso episódio anterior, clique no link e visite nosso episódio para exercitar a pronúncia em português – trava-línguas. […]