Portuguese tongue twisters – Practicing Portuguese pronunciation

Portuguese tongue twisters – Practicing Portuguese pronunciation
Hello there and welcome to our Portuguese Basic Tips 72 (in English) in which we’re going to speak about Portuguese tongue twisters
On today’s episode I’m going to challenge you! I mean, today I hope you accept to practice a few Portuguese tongue-twisters with me, so that you’ll be training your pronunciation, besides felling more confident with this language. You’ll just need to repeat what I say with me. I picked up some “trava-línguas” in Portuguese. They are phrases that, when spoken quickly, can difficult to pronounce. On the other hand, if we practice them, we kind of “unlock” a secret. If we did it right, we can pronounce any simple sentence in Portuguese. We just need to work a little bit on the following sentences.
Click on the link to visit our previous episode, called Meaning of sombra de dúvida, salvo engano and buraco do dente in Portuguese
Let’s get started!
First I going to pronounce them slower than the usual and then I’m going speeding it up.
First sentence:
- O sábio não sabia que o sabiá sabia assobiar.
This means something as: The wise man did not know that the sabiá knew how to whistle.
Sabiá is a bird we often find in Brazil.
C’mon. Repeat with me:
- O sábio / não sabia / que o sabiá / sabia / assobiar
O sábio não sabia que o sabiá sabia assobiar
Second one:
C’mon! Don’t give up! This is important for you, believe me! Besides, you can take your time to achieve. I’m just trying a few suggestions of pace, suggestions of rhythm in the sentences. You yourself will find the best way to do that.
- O rato roeu a rica roupa do rei de Roma / The rat has eaten the rich clothes of the King of Rome.
With me:
O rato / roeu / a rica roupa / do rei de Roma
Yeah! You made it! I know you did!
The last one!
Let’s keep practicing the ways to pronounce the “r” letter in Portuguese.
- Pedro pregou um prego na porta preta / Pedro nailed a nail in the black door
Pedro / pregou um prego / na porta / preta
Pedro pregou um prego na porta preta
Yeah! You made it again!
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Click here to read the definition of tongue twister in Portuguese (trava-língua)
That’s enough for today.
I hope you like it.
See you next time.
Marcos Sales
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[…] Visite nosso episódio anterior sobre trava-línguas […]
[…] Trava-línguas em português – Praticando a pronúncia […]