Portuguese future tense verbs – Learn Portuguese with podcasts

Portuguese future tense verbs
Welcome to Portuguese Basic tips in which we are going to start speaking about Portuguese future tense
On today’s podcast, I’m going to speak about a few verbs in Portuguese future tense, but I’ll focus on what we call futuro do presente – something equivalent to simple future in English
As far as I know, all the Romance languages have what we call synthetic conjugation for verbs in the future. I mean, in English you just need to say “I’ll share it”. You know, you just need to use “will” to indicate “future tense” and the verb “to share” remains in the present tense. In Portuguese, for instance, you would say “eu compartilharei” – this way, the verb “compartilhar” goes to the future tense – it travels to the future. I’m not using any auxiliary verb to do that.
We also have a way to do the same as we do in English, only by using the auxiliary verb “ir”, but we’ll talk about it later on. Let’s start conjugating regular verbs in futuro do presente sintético.
As I said here before, if we learn how to combine regular verbs ending in “ar”, “er” and “ir”, we’ll have a model on how to combine all the other regular verbs in this language.
Portuguese future tense – Falar combination (to speak)

Portuguese future tense – Falar verb conjugation
Portuguese future tense – Vender verb (To sell)

Portuguese future tense – Vender verb conjugation
Portuguese future tense – Partir verb (To leave)

Portuguese future tense – Partir verb
In the upcoming episodes we will continue speaking about future tense in Portuguese. Keep in touch!
This link leads to a site (only in Portuguese) that talks about the tenses of the indicative mood in Portuguese.
In our last two episodes we spoke about past imperfect tense and frequent mistakes in Portuguese.
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That’s it for today!
I hope it will be useful to you.
Marcos Sales
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pode tirar uma duvida?tem verbos irregulares noa verbos?obg
Olá, Petrus! Não sei se entendi bem a sua questão, mas, sim, falamos sobre verbos irregulares no site: