Zika Virus in Brazil and the Olympics

Zika virus in Brazil and the Olympic Games 2016
Welcome to our Portuguese Basic Tips (in English) in which we’ll speak about zika virus in Brazil and the Olympics
On today’s podcast we are going to talk about some issues related to zika virus in Brazil and the Olympic Games that we’ll take place in Rio de Janeiro. You know, here I have a compromise with you. I can’t only speak about the beautiful landscapes you’ll find in Brazil or about women or something like that, right?
Click on the link to get updated on zika virus
This is a hard topic to talk about, but with the proximity of the Olympics, I will try to summarize the information we have nowadays about this disease.
The difficulty in talking about zika virus is because no one knows the real dimension of it; we just know a little about it.
It is a common practice here the media makes a big fuss about a particular fact and then they tend to simply forget about it. This happened in this case, at least in Brazil.
Well, the Olympic Games are coming…how convenient, isn’t it?
What we do know about zika virus?
The first thing is that here in Brazil we pronounce “zica virus”. I hope you don’t need to use it, but just in case…
It is a disease transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, the same one that transmits dengue.
A few months ago, scientists confirm that cases of microcephaly in newborn babies are also caused by this mosquito.
At the time I’m writing this podcast, there was an article in Nature Magazine speaking that scientists discovered the antibody capable of neutralizing the virus, but we still have no vaccine against it.
Recently, a group of scientists wrote a letter to the World Health Organization, requesting that the Olympic Games do not happen in Brazil.
Yes, but they will! Therefore, officially, the Brazilian health minister says that the risk of contamination during the Olympic Games is very low. Of course it is…
He keeps saying that the risk of someone getting sick is almost zero. Still, the Brazilian government has provided large-scale tests to check who is sick.
Ways to avoid the mosquito that transmits zika virus
- The main way to avoid it is to get rid of still water spots.
- Even if you are doing your part, don’t forget to use mosquito repellent.
- Always wear clothes with long sleeves. I know, Rio de Janeiro is hot, but it’s better safe than sorry.
- When you go to sleep, check if your doors and windows are totally closed. No, I’m not talking about your safety; this is another issue you need to prevent too.
- Take care of your garbage. This is another environment where mosquitoes can proliferate.
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That’s enough for today
I hope you like it.
See you next time
Marcos Sales
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